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TOTO CT426CFGT40#01 AP Elongated Wall-Hung Bowl

  • Skirted design for easier cleaning
  • 1.28 gpf or 0.9 gpf Dual flush
  • CeFiONtect glaze prevents waste from sticking to the bowl
  • Adjustable height for maximum comfort
  • Wall hung elongated toilet bowl only – seat not included
  • Purchase separately: Compatible in-wall tank, T40 Washlet+, and dual push button

Original price was: $710.00.Current price is: $625.00.

12% Off

Estimated Delivery Time: 1 - 3 Days


TOTO CT426CFGT40#01 AP Elongated Wall-Hung Bowl with Skirted Design and CEFIONTECT provides a sleek and modern addition to your bathroom. Skirted Design toilets eliminate the need to reach behind the bowl to clean the nooks and crannies of the exterior trapway and the wall hung design takes up less floor space, giving your bathroom a more open feel. This version of the AP bowl offers TOTO T40 WASHLET+ compatibility for when you are ready to upgrade with a WASHLET+ electronic bidet seat.

The AP elongated wall-hung is coated with TOTO’s CEFIONTECT ceramic glaze that creates a slick surface to help prevent waste from sticking and keep the bowl cleaner for longer. The DuoFit in-wall tank utilizes TOTO’s DYNAMAX TORNADO dual flushing system, allowing you to proactively conserve water with a full or light flush option. Choose between a 0.9 GPF rinse or 1.28 GPF for tougher jobs. The AP elongated Wall-Hung has been designed for best results when used with the sold separately TOTO DUOFIT In-Wall Tank System (WT173M or WT173MA) and T40 WASHLET+ models.

TOTO CT426CFGT40#01 AP Elongated Wall-Hung Bowl Features:

  • Skirted design for easier cleaning
  • 1.28 gpf or 0.9 gpf Dual flush
  • Tornado Flush
  • CeFiONtect glaze prevents waste from sticking to the bowl
  • Adjustable height for maximum comfort
  • Purchase separately: Compatible in-wall tank, T40 Washlet+, and dual push button


You can download the installation instruction sheet here.

To find out more information about TOTO product’s warranty terms and conditions, please click here.

For more details, please see the technical sheet below;

SKU: CT426CFGT40#01






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